The best audiobooks to meditate, rest and achieve a balanced life
Why We Sleep By Matthew Walker

Why We Sleep By Matthew Walker
Sleep is one of the most essential aspects of our lives, our happiness and longevity. Until recently, science had not answered the question of why we sleep, why we sleep, or why we suffer such devastating health consequences when we do NOT sleep. Compared to the other basic drivers of life (eating, drinking, having children), the goal of sleep remains elusive. But the explosion of scientific advances in the last 20 years has shed new light on this fundamental aspect of our lives. Now pioneering neuroscientist and sleep expert Matthew Walker has given us a new perspective on the vital importance of sleep and dreams. Among other things, in the brain, sleep improves our ability to learn, remember, and make rational decisions. It regulates our emotions, rejuvenates our immune system, improves our metabolism and regulates our appetite. Dreaming helps release traumatic memories and creates a virtual reality space where the brain combines past and present knowledge to inspire creativity.
Guided Self-Healing Meditations Ultimate Meditation Academy

Guided Self-Healing Meditations Ultimate Meditation Academy
Are you stressed regularly? Can’t find willpower? Sleeping problems? Or do you have anxiety? If so, this audiobook will make it easier for you to find sleep solutions by listening to comforting and calming content that can help you rest much easier.
Chakra: Radiate Positive Energy with Yoga Meditation By By: Huor Calaelen

Chakra: Radiate Positive Energy with Yoga Meditation By By: Huor Calaelen
The chakras are eddies of energy that, when open and balanced, can be transcendent in terms of the happiness or lack of it that we may experience in our lives. We have powers that we are not even aware of, such as self-healing with the help of the chakras, each of which generates a frequency and vibrations that spread out and create a layer. The colors that surround us at that moment make up the human being, called Aura. The human body has seven main chakras that, depending on their balance, can transmit your life energy, especially through chakras that do not contain emotional blockages. Therefore, by understanding the chakras, we can improve our quality of life by connecting our physical and mental part. The first chakra in our body’s spinal chakra absorbs and transmits our precious life energy, and if there is a problem here, there is a problem with the rest of your energy systems.