How To Be Happier: Audiobooks That Will Help You Smile More.
The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World By Dalai Lama

The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World By Dalai Lama
Through meditation, stories and the meeting of Buddhism with psychology, the Dalai Lama teaches us how to overcome everyday depression, anxiety, anger jealousy, or just an average bad mood. He talks about relationships, health, family and work to show us how to live our lives with a deeper sense of inner peace. With a combination of ancient Buddhist meditations and common sense, The Art of Happiness is a program that helps people overcome the difficulties common to all humans.
The Art of Happiness By Dalai Lama

The Art of Happiness By Dalai Lama
The Art of Happiness: Set up as a dialogue between psychiatrist DrHoward Cutler (author) and the Dalai Lama (author), The Art of Happiness pos¬tulates that the entire purpose of our lives is happiness and the pursuit thereof. However, happiness cannot solely be achieved through external means; rather, your thoughts and internal processes contribute far more to happiness than almost any other thing. The Dalai Lama gives answers to the author‘s intimate questions. Cutler fleshes the world out in which these interviews take places, describing the setting and the expressions of his subjects. Each chapter explores one aspect of happiness, including what to think when you experience suffering, how to deal when you feel angry, and how to cope when you’re anxious. Cutler narrates this book with the passion of someone who has had long conversations with and genuinely befriended the Dalai Lama himself.
The Happiness Project By Gretchen Rubin

The Happiness Project By Gretchen Rubin
After realizing that time passes more quickly that we think, Gretchen decided to devote a year to seeking joy where ever she could. During this year, he tries out many different methods of achieving happiness, from ancient wisdom to pop culture tips, dedicating each month to one specific method of living. During the year, Rubin learns what true happiness means and how it fits into her life. The Happiness Project is a fascinating book that explores what it means to be truly happy in our modern world. Rubin’s voice is animated and playful, and she narrates the book with a light touch.